I took solace in the disappearance of my cat carrier. Last I saw it, Grumpy Cat and all her little kittens were inside. Maybe that means she left? I doubt it. But not seeing the carrier probably means I get to stay home and sleep in my bowl.
So, get this: Mom was gone Tuesday through Saturday and I had to stay downstairs the WHOLE TIME. I could hear the little brats upstairs squeaking for food - and one of them even got a name: Tarzan.
A name like Tarzan does not bode well for my tail when these little squirts begin to run around the house. Sigh. The life of an old cat is so challenging when your human insists on taken in boarders...
I hear that Tarzan will move to California in 6 weeks or so and she IS the runt like I was, so maybe we will get along when we finally meet.