Sunday, April 22, 2007

The world as I see things

I'm old, tired and none too thrilled with my human this week.

I am Mighty - fourteen year old connoisseur of cantaloupe.

After 14 years of living mostly as a single cat, they brought a younger, cuter feline into our peaceful home. They call her Staubie - I call her Grumpy cat.

All she does is growl at me. We have only come to blows a few times, but this intruder to my peaceful home walks around grumbling all day long. Worse, the day after she arrived, she had a litter of kittens. I can hear them mewing in the other room from time to time. It is a disturbing noise.

Really, all I want to do is sleep in the sun and look out the window.

1 comment:

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Hi Mighty! Welcome to the cat blogosphere! I'm a Pink Lady ... Daisy the Curly Cat and her sister Pixie told me all about you and so, here I am!

Stop by my bloggie sometime. I am the doyenne of the Feline Americans: Pumpkin, Cocoa Puff, Lucky Charmz, and Sparky Fuzzypants. We live in San Diego ...