Thursday, August 2, 2007


Well, Mom has been talking to me about how happy she is that I am willing to hang out in the living room with the kittens. I have been quite careful to growl at them, though, when they come near.

Then today, I got BUSTED. The game is up:

Think they will buy that I only like Nash and not Tigger and Staubie?


Daisy said...

Oh, you are really just a softie inside!

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet photo. You can't fool us!

Kitikata-san said...

Oh Mighty, Nash is so cute cute sleeping with you. Of course, I would suggest you like Tigger too because, well he is one good looking kitten. Notice how his coloring is very similar to mine.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Hi, Mighty! Just found yur blog frum Bad Kitty Cats. You'd like my sisfur Bonnie... she growls lots an won't be nice to me an would NEVER be caught in a pose like that. In that pictor, yur smilin!