That's right. I was taking a nap in my sheepskin bowl, happy as a clam - or cozy as a sleeping cat - when my human came bounding down the stairs. They don' let me up there when
Grumpy Cat is out of the kitten room. Horror of horrors, she had a squirmy little
squeaky kitten in her hands. I sniffed him and gave a hearty hiss or two so he doesn't get any strange ideas about jumping in bed with me and my humans when we sleep at night.
All in all, though, he's not a bad kid. He was the first to open his eyes and start wandering. He also was the first to start playing. I think he would make someone a fine companion. He really likes to roll around with Nash - the one that looks like
Anyway, I am starting to get a bit more comfortable with this whole kitten thing - AS LONG AS THEY DON'T DISTURB MY NAP!!!
OH How Adorable... Ummm we are sorry MightyCat you are disturbed, but they are cute. Sending Purrs
Zed Monster
Welcome to Kitty Cat Blogging and Bad Kitty Cats Top 100
Hi MightyCat! I just stopped in to send gigantic welcomes to the Cat Blogosphere from all 15 of us cats at Artsy Catsy! We're eager to learn all about you, and those darling kitties, too!
Official Artsy Catsy Spokesmodel
Hi they very cute You sound alot like my big brother Mu shue he finks he the king we just all let him thank that way. I just stoped by to give you an offical pink ladys welcom to the cat bloghire we luv it here we sure you will too
Lilly Lu and Iris
Oh ... My ... Goodness! What darling kittens Staubie had! The ginger ones look like Feline American Pumpkin!
I hope your household gets back to normal soon (and that you can find furrever homes for those delightful kittens).
welcome welcome! i'm so glad you've decided to join us!
kittens--while gushed over by most humans--can be disturbing to we more mature cats. you have my full sympathy!
i'll add you to my blogroll and stop by often!
Thank you all for your purrs and growls of support.
I might get my human into a 12 step program after we are done with this - she is addicted tosaving kitties and I am getting so old now that it is hard to fend the little beasts off.
But Tigger is cute...
Cute glamour shot of the orange one!! Sorry it is so rough for you at your house...but at least you are being bugged by some darn cute kittens!
Hi Mighty, this kitten is really cute, kind of like me! Did you notice the nice orange color? And yes, I hope that the kittens do not disturb your nap. That is not good kitten etiquette
Yes, Tigger will probably grow to look a lot like you. He took an adventure into the living room today. the funny part was when I moved, he jumped straight in the air!
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