Thursday, August 2, 2007


Well, Mom has been talking to me about how happy she is that I am willing to hang out in the living room with the kittens. I have been quite careful to growl at them, though, when they come near.

Then today, I got BUSTED. The game is up:

Think they will buy that I only like Nash and not Tigger and Staubie?

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Farewell Cali

Cali was loaded up into a cat carrier and whisked away. When Mom and Dad returned, there was no cat carrier. Cali was my favorite because she used to follow me around a lot...

Hope she found a nice family...

Things are calmer here. But I could SWEAR I heard kitten noises in the basement.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Goodbye Tarzana

Mom's sister showed up from California and whisked Tarzana away to a new home in California. I heard her talking about it on the phone and apparently the little grey critter was quiet all the way across the country on the airplane and is quite happy in her new beach house.

Cat factor is reduced by one...

Sorry to all who commented and had to wait so long for approval. I did not realize my comments are now moderated on this blog.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

and then there was peace...

I awoke from a nap to find the house completely empty. I was happily the only cat home. I hoped they had all found good homes and that we could all go on with our lives.

Then a FLEET of sleepy kittens returned. They all looked like I do after my shots - sleepy - except for Tigger. My mom took special interest in him ans whisked him directly into the basement, where she stayed with him all night...

She told me the next day that Tigger was the only one to not receive his shots because he had been vomiting for a few days. Tigger had lost weight too. The vet took an x-ray but could not find anything and thought he might have a blocked intestine.

So, after the vet hydrated him under his skin (something I remember hurting quite a bit), they took him to the basement and had him fast for 8 hours, then fed him water and food a little at a time. Mom slept with him so he would not be scared.

But I was scared that she loves him more than me.

Anyway - the little guy is back to his normal hyper self again. He even tried to get my tail. I batted my paws in his direction and made scary noised. A fourteen year old cat does not PLAY.

Friday, June 22, 2007

I Came Into the Livingroom...

Grumpy cat spends almost all of her time outside these days, and she has even started teaching the kittens how to play out there. Last night, while my human was eating ice cream, I ventured into the living room, through the throngs of squirmy kittens. My ruse worked - she let me lick the bowl when she was done.

This morning, having survived last night's adventure, I decided to take up my old place on a chair next to my Mom while she works. Again, I had to growl at the mewing little vermin, but I made it to the chair. My reward was being dragged into a son spot. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Now each of the kittens has come toward me, but I growl menacingly. My human must like them, because after I do this, she picks each one up and pets it. I am jealous.

She calls this one "Tarzana."

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Our Friend Suzanne Has Crossed Over

My human was gone with the computer so long, that I am just now catching up with the other online kitty cats.

Poor Suzanne's mommy has lost her little friend, but we know that Suzanne must be happy in her new place. If you see this, visit Suzanne's mommy and give her purrs.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Upstairs in the New Bedroom

For some reason, my human moved all our bedroom furniture to a new bedroom upstairs. Oh how I miss the basement! I long to be down there again. At first, I thought she was moving in with grumpy cat, but then she brought my food dish, litter and bed up to the new room.

I grumbled and growled, but after two days of not seeing any other cats or kittens around, deigned to eat a little tuna fish in the kitchen.

Then today, my human opened all the doors to my wing of the house, and Staubie came into my bedroom. MY BEDROOM. I chased her under the bed. Now, I am keeping a watchful eye on the bedroom door. No OTHER can may enter.

The kittens are another story. I keep growling at them, but they are too cute to attack. Cali already drank from my water bowl while I watched. It is only a matter of time before they figure out that I am too afraid of them to attack.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Third Step from the Bottom

My final refuge has been invaded by the one they call "Tigger." Today, he got to the third step from the bottom leading to my basement apartment. I stared at him, but he just puffed out his measly little tail and sniffed in my direction. It wouldn't have been so bad, but I was in the middle of playing with my favorite mouse toy and he saw me...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Nash walked near, Mighty growled, Staubie flipped

Look who peeked around the corner at me yesterday? It's NASH! He has gotten quite good at exploring the house. He is so little that I can't hit him, so I just growl when he gets too close so that he learns some manners.

Unfortunately, this leads to Staubie getting pretty scared. She tries to heard him away, but you know what they say about herding cats...

Anyway, my Mom told me that this little explorer still has no home, but that she will bring photos to her pilates class in case someone there needs a new furry friend. He is quite sweet from what I can tell and has started following my Mom around the house (which is my role so I am a bit jealous.)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


My kitty friend at KatzTales tagged me! This tag challenge: 7 things about MightyCat! (Here she comes to save the day...) And I get to ask other kitties to put in their two cents. Too bad grumpy cat doesn't yet have a blog...

OK, 7 things:
  1. I love cantaloupe. Mom can leave chicken and fish in the garbage and I won't touch it. If she throws out cantaloupe rinds, though, I dig through the trash to eat them.
  2. Mom and I met when my first humans had me in a shopping cart with my brothers. They were going to take me to the pound if no one adopted us. Mom chose me because I was the ugly one and I batted at her hand when she put it in the cart.
  3. When I was young and spry, they called me "Mighty Head Hunter" because, when Mom went out of town, I would hunt mice and line their heads up in a row on the front door step.
  4. This year, I have learned how to ride in the car. I like to snooze in my bowl mostly while we are on the road. I draw the line, however, at the leash.
  5. I have never had kittens, but I once adopted a youngster, who later left. I miss him.
  6. I am allergic to Advantage and Frontline and Mom doesn't know what to do next.
  7. Lately, I have been losing weight and throwing up a lot. I don't know if Mom has noticed, but I fear I might be ill.

Others tagged for this meme:

I haven't found a cat yet who hasn't been tagged - looking on the German websites now...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Invasion from the kitten room

That's right. The disturbing squeaks have grown legs and are beginning to venture out into our living room. They peer with their beady little eyes around the corner, then scamper back under the bed where they sleep. I could annihilate then with on swipe of my paw!

But I am allowing them to grow and learn just now. Besides, they are down on the floor and I am on the chair in the sun. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Little Nash here even got to go outside. He is a poor little orphan with no adult to take care of him. If he doesn't get adopted, I fear he will become another outdoor (but neutered) male cat wandering the hillside. He's so fluffy - I hope someone out there takes heart and adopts him. He comes with a free neutering coupon...

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Getting to Know Grumpy Cat

So, I thought we had worked out a deal. Grumpy Cat can growl at me as much as she likes, while I pretend to snooze in high places. My human has made it so that I don't have to walk by the kitten room door to get to my food and I steer clear of that disturbing room.

THEN, last night, Staubie got a stick up her hind quarters about me getting a drink of water. I mean, we all have to stay hydrated, right? Especially since the weather has turned warm here.

Grumpy Cat went ape sh*** and kept me in a corner for a few minutes until my human picked her up and confined her to to kitten room.

I had to go down stairs - I'm getting bored down there. For the rest of the night, we got living room shifts.

This morning, however, it is back to our former arrangement of snoozing and growling. Has anyone else out there had to make friends with a mama cat? I don't even want to go near her kittens - kittens scare me. I just want to sleep in the sun, then go downstairs and sleep in my bowl, then go outside and snooze on the walkway...

See the scary kitten pile?

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Bad Kitty Cats

Oh Goody! Bad Kitty Cats made me a banner - Im MIGHTY happy!

Oh Dear, She Introduced Me to One of the Little Terrors

That's right. I was taking a nap in my sheepskin bowl, happy as a clam - or cozy as a sleeping cat - when my human came bounding down the stairs. They don' let me up there when Grumpy Cat is out of the kitten room. Horror of horrors, she had a squirmy little squeaky kitten in her hands. I sniffed him and gave a hearty hiss or two so he doesn't get any strange ideas about jumping in bed with me and my humans when we sleep at night.

All in all, though, he's not a bad kid. He was the first to open his eyes and start wandering. He also was the first to start playing. I think he would make someone a fine companion. He really likes to roll around with Nash - the one that looks like Staubie.

Anyway, I am starting to get a bit more comfortable with this whole kitten thing - AS LONG AS THEY DON'T DISTURB MY NAP!!!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Why Was I Locked in the Basement All Week?

The evil red box with wheels came out last weekend and my human began putting clothing in it. Tension ran high as I tried to figure out if she was going to take me on another car trip or just disregard our happy family and leave for awhile.

I took solace in the disappearance of my cat carrier. Last I saw it, Grumpy Cat and all her little kittens were inside. Maybe that means she left? I doubt it. But not seeing the carrier probably means I get to stay home and sleep in my bowl.

So, get this: Mom was gone Tuesday through Saturday and I had to stay downstairs the WHOLE TIME. I could hear the little brats upstairs squeaking for food - and one of them even got a name: Tarzan.

A name like Tarzan does not bode well for my tail when these little squirts begin to run around the house. Sigh. The life of an old cat is so challenging when your human insists on taken in boarders...

I hear that Tarzan will move to California in 6 weeks or so and she IS the runt like I was, so maybe we will get along when we finally meet.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The world as I see things

I'm old, tired and none too thrilled with my human this week.

I am Mighty - fourteen year old connoisseur of cantaloupe.

After 14 years of living mostly as a single cat, they brought a younger, cuter feline into our peaceful home. They call her Staubie - I call her Grumpy cat.

All she does is growl at me. We have only come to blows a few times, but this intruder to my peaceful home walks around grumbling all day long. Worse, the day after she arrived, she had a litter of kittens. I can hear them mewing in the other room from time to time. It is a disturbing noise.

Really, all I want to do is sleep in the sun and look out the window.